// agente v = navigator.appName; // colores c = 0; if (v != "Netscape") c = screen.colorDepth;else c = screen.pixelDepth; s = screen.width + "x" + screen.height; // referer var f = ""; if (typeof(pp_frames) != "undefined") if (pp_frames) f = top.document.referrer; if ((f == "") || (f == "[unknown origin]") || (f == "unknown") || (f == "undefined")) if (document["parent"] != null) if (parent["document"] != null) if (parent.document["referrer"] != null) if (typeof(parent.document) == "object") f = parent.document.referrer; if ((f == "") || (f == "[unknown origin]") || (f == "unknown") || (f == "undefined"))if (document["referrer"] != null) f = document.referrer; if ((f == "") || (f == "[unknown origin]") || (f == "unknown") || (f == "undefined"))f = ""; f = escape(f); var detectableWithVB = false; var pluginFound = "0"; var plugins = ""; function canDetectPlugins() { if( detectableWithVB || (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function detectFlash() { pluginFound = detectPlugin('Shockwave','Flash'); // if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic if(pluginFound == "0" && detectableWithVB) { pluginFound = detectActiveXControl('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.1'); } return pluginFound; } function detectDirector() { pluginFound = detectPlugin('Shockwave','Director'); // if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic if(pluginFound == "0" && detectableWithVB) { pluginFound = detectActiveXControl('SWCtl.SWCtl.1'); } return pluginFound; } function detectQuickTime() { pluginFound = detectPlugin('QuickTime'); // if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic if(pluginFound == "0" && detectableWithVB) { pluginFound = detectQuickTimeActiveXControl(); } return pluginFound; } function detectReal() { pluginFound = detectPlugin('RealPlayer'); // if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic if(pluginFound == "0" && detectableWithVB) { pluginFound = (detectActiveXControl('rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control') || detectActiveXControl('RealPlayer.RealPlayer(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)') || detectActiveXControl('RealVideo.RealVideo(tm) ActiveX Control (32-bit)')); } return pluginFound; } function detectWindowsMedia() { pluginFound = detectPlugin('Windows Media'); // if not found, try to detect with VisualBasic if(pluginFound == "0" && detectableWithVB) { pluginFound = detectActiveXControl('MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1'); } return pluginFound; } function detectPlugin() { // allow for multiple checks in a single pass var daPlugins = detectPlugin.arguments; // consider pluginFound to be false until proven true var pluginFound = "0"; // if plugins array is there and not fake if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length > 0) { var pluginsArrayLength = navigator.plugins.length; // for each plugin... for (pluginsArrayCounter=0; pluginsArrayCounter < pluginsArrayLength; pluginsArrayCounter++ ) { // loop through all desired names and check each against the current plugin name var numFound = 0; for(namesCounter=0; namesCounter < daPlugins.length; namesCounter++) { // if desired plugin name is found in either plugin name or description if( (navigator.plugins[pluginsArrayCounter].name.indexOf(daPlugins[namesCounter]) >= 0) || (navigator.plugins[pluginsArrayCounter].description.indexOf(daPlugins[namesCounter]) >= 0) ) { // this name was found numFound++; } } // now that we have checked all the required names against this one plugin, // if the number we found matches the total number provided then we were successful if(numFound == daPlugins.length) { pluginFound = "1"; // if we've found the plugin, we can stop looking through at the rest of the plugins break; } } } return pluginFound; } // detectPlugin // Here we write out the VBScript block for MSIE Windows if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1)) { document.writeln('